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Copper casting play clay casting method
Author:admin | Release time:2024-04-19

In our copper casting production, we often play with mud, but we insiders but play a lot of various copper castings,.

  Copper casting (casting) method is to melt copper into liquid form, using the Fan mould casting and made objects method, it is one of the earliest copper processing methods. Copper casting is the mixed slurry cast into the engine casing, cured to form the engine charge to meet the design requirements.


 The casting process appeared at the end of the Neolithic period in China, and was originally a bronze production process, which developed and matured due to the prosperity of bronze.

  The basic raw materials for manufacturing sand moulds are casting sand and sand binder. The most commonly used casting sand is siliceous sand. When the high temperature performance of silica sand cannot meet the requirements of use, zircon sand, chromite sand, corundum sand and other special sands are used.