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No. 16, 2nd Floor, Unit 2, Building 1, Geohome, at the intersection of Yushinan Road, Science Avenue, Zhengzhou High-tech Industrial Development Zone

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Company news
The important role of copper bushing in copper castings
Author:admin | Release time:2024-04-19

 Copper bushing in the equipment is often used. Copper castings is a variety of metals around us is ubiquitous, a variety of mechanical equipment are a variety of metals, they will use the copper castings, but a device we all know that the price is very expensive, can not be bad parts to re-buy a piece of equipment, which requires us to use these copper castings to protect a variety of parts of the equipment.


 Henan Dashan Non-ferrous Metals Co., Ltd. specialises in the production of a variety of copper castings, copper bushings, copper castings are used for many purposes.